Sunday, April 13, 2014

River Island 'Liz' Tan Suede Ankle Boots

I'm head over heels for my new suede boots! How cute are they? They are from ASOS. Full price is €49.16, but they are currently on sale for €14.75. I also had a code to use, so I got them for around €11. And with free shipping, it's just amazing!

The boots are fluffy and cosy inside, and I know summer is coming, but I live in Ireland, and well... you know how that is. I'll still have them for Autumn and Winter too. And for colder Spring and Summer days, I'll chuck them on with a cute dress, jeggings or skinny jeans.

Love new shoes!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Furry Friend Tag ♡

I came across this tag on Rachel's lovely blog, and as I have two cats, I decided to do the tag myself!

Top: Jess (female) 
Bottom: Prince (male) 

What is your pet’s name?
Jess and Prince

What kind of pet are they and what breed?
Cats... no idea actually

How long have you had your pet?
We've had Prince for about 18 months and Jess for maybe a year.

How did you get your pet?
Prince started coming to our back door, or on the back window and sitting mewling for food... even though he had an owner. We started feeding him and he kept coming back. We talked to the owner and she said we could have him as he didn't like her new baby!

How old are they?
Prince is about 24-30 months, and Jess is around 6 years I think.

What are some quirky things about your pet’s personality?
Jess loves attention but pretends not to like it. She'll rub up against your leg but when you go to rub her, she'll turn away but you can tell she loves it. If you stop rubbing her, she'll look up and meow at you! When you're at the top of the stairs, she will come out of nowhere and bound down the stairs before you. I swear, she's almost given me heart failure so many times! She also loves throwing elastic bands around and catching them on her paws. She follows me EVERYWHERE, all around the house. She's like my shadow! When she wants snuggles in bed, she'll jump up under the duvet between myself and my fiancé. If Prince wants to play while you're sitting down, he'll throw himself on the floor at your feet and start biting. He sleeps on the end of our bed most nights, but when he's getting comfortable on a blanket/clothing, he'll take some of it inn his mouth and knead the fabric until it's to his liking. Another thing he does is jumping up in front of the TV, whether it's on or off. I've put little ornaments up there to stop him, but do they work? Nope! He just LOVES attention. When we have a treat for them, Prince will stand on his back paws and try to take it out of your hand. Jess will look at the treat, then look at the ground waiting for you to put it down for her.
What does your relationship with your pet mean to you?
Honestly, everything. I can't imagine my life without either of them. When I'm feeling crap, I'll lie on the bed, and normally one of them (usually Jess) will come up and I'll talk to her.

What are some of your favourite past times with your pet?
Taking them both in and introducing them (which took ages!). They still fight sometimes, though!

What are nicknames that you call your pet?
for Jess - princess, jester, babygirl, little lady, jessica!
for Prince - snake (he can be so sly!), little man, baby boy, princeter, princeton

Favourite toy? 
Jess just loves elastic bands to throw around, but Prince loves their scratching post which has a mouse dangling from it.


♡ I love my cats 
If you have any pets, I tag you!

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I was nominated for this award by one of my beautiful best friends. Thank you, Sarah, I love you! 

Award Rules:
1 - Thank and link the amazing awesome person who nominated you
2 - List the rules and display the award
3 - Share 7 things/facts about yourself
4 - Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their blogs to let them know you have nominated them and provide a link to your post
5 - Optional. Proudly display the award logo anywhere on your blog e.g - side bar and follow the person who nominated you.

7 facts about me:
1. I absolutely HATE the inside of tomatoes. You know the squishy, jelly, seedy stuff? Yeah, that. The sight and texture of it makes my stomach turn. This means that I rarely order tomato on sandwiches when I'm out. When I make one at home, I cut the inside out.
2. My favourite candle EVER (ever ever ever) is Yankee Candle Midnight Jasmine. Words can't describe how happy it makes me. I'm just about to finish my second large jar!
3. This isn't really a fact as everybody knows this but I just LOVE a man in a suit. Within reason of course.
4. I prefer my tablet over my laptop, but I'm still finding it hard to blog from the tablet. Which one am I using now? You'll never know. {Laptop}
5. Back when I lived at home, I would easily read 2-3 books a week. I LOVED the library. I've just re-joined it where I live now, so hopefully I can get back into the same habit.
6.  I'm quite shy when you get to know me, but when we become good friends, I will never shut up. Ask Sarah!
7. Every so often, I listen to songs that I know will make me cry. Don't even ask me why!


I nominate...

Tuesday, April 08, 2014


reading: Don't Want To Miss A Thing by Jill Mansell. Can't put it down!!
writing: this!
listening to: Britney Spears - Perfume. 
thinking: never you mind! 
smelling: lavender incense... mmm.
wishing: my brother wasn't moving to Canada!
hoping: tomorrow goes by quickly.
wearing: paw print pj bottoms, and a matching top which says 'just purrfect' with a picture of a cat. Sweet!
loving: work!
wanting: a big hug
needing to: get back into blogging. I also need to pee... is that too much? Didn't think so.
feeling: good!
clicking: the keyboard letters!

P.S Sorry I've been so slack with blogging... work has taken over my life pretty much, and by the time I get home, I just want to vegetate on the sofa and read or listen to music, haha. I have some posts lined up, so keep your eyes peeled!

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