As it's the end of the week (it's Sunday, 1.04am!) I thought I'd do a post showing you my week in pictures.

I have been cleaning quite a bit this week, I want to have everything clean and tidy for when my man gets out of hospital. I spent ages tonight cleaning the bathroom and everything is really sparkling! I don't like cleaning very much, but when I have good music playing (loudly), it spurs me on! I'm not sure why this woman looks so pleased about cleaning but hey, whatever floats your boat, right?! Hahaha.
I'm home tonight (and last night), as my fiancés brother is away for the weekend. Last night I was hearing some noises, so somebody on Facebook suggested I go investigate lol! We have no large hard objects in the bedroom, so I grabbed the nearest thing...a hanger (to gouge eyes out, you know) AND believe it or not, my giant Hello Kitty teddy! Not sure what use she would have been had there been an intruder, but whatever....turns out there was nobody there, obviously!
Despite my new years resolution, I have had junk food this week.With spending hours in the hospital each day, I've got home to be exhausted (from just sitting there!) and then I have no energy to cook. For some reason, I find sitting in a hospital very draining. I've had pizza this week AND Abrakebabra....but I'm really tempted to get some pizza now. I'm having a few drinks (by myself, *sob*) and I've cleaned the bathroom so I think I can justify getting one. Damn that pizza looks good...

After my stressful week, I decided to do a little pampering... I used a gorgeous new chocolate face mask, which was amazing! I'm currently in the middle of painting my nails (just black). My last design started to chip on one of my nails, mainly because I broke a nail, boo! I'm sick too, so pampering is good for me...heehee
I'm currently having a few drinks to top off my weekend. After such a stressful, tiring week, there's nothing better than relaxing with a few bottles (only alcopops, so no hangover for me, woo!) I'm getting slightly tipsy right now, but I like this feeling, as weird as it may sound!
That's been my week...pretty busy, but I'm unwinding now!
I awarded you :) xx